This week is Banned Books Week! This week especially, we celebrate and reflect on the freedom to read. We celebrate unique voices and perspectives. We celebrate diversity, awareness, understanding, and freedom of expression.
This week we take time to reflect on how books are tools to address complex issues. They address topics, ideas, and knowledge that should be freely available to the public. Books provide “teachable moments for readers of all ages and expand our understanding of people with different backgrounds, ideas, and beliefs.”(1) Unite Against Banned Books states, “Access to diverse books is essential to a strong education, a free mind, and a functioning democracy.”(2)
In reading banned/challenged books, our minds are opened to other ways of life, and through this gained knowledge, we can develop tolerance, acceptance, kindness, compassion, and empathy towards all beings. And this, to me, is the end goal. Because in essence, we are all one. We are all so much more connected than we can comprehend.
Come check out some banned/challenged books at Sugartree Farmette’s Little Free Library! We are also sharing books on acceptance, kindness, love, diversity, and community, as well as on topics that can be difficult to discuss.
Share a photo of how you’re participating in Banned Books Week and tag #BannedBooksWeek on social media!

Resources/Images Used:
3. "Free Downloads", American Library Association, January 3, 2013. (Accessed September 22, 2024). Document ID: 5bb6641d-6f08-4bbc-a31f-6d7704c86035